Most importantly I have created my long sought after laboratory where I can work in silence, crafting, cultivating my talents in a more mature way than I have in the past, with discipline, so that I can complete some major projects that represent my work from within my time. It could be a series of books, or phamplets, titled such as "Pushing Cotton" or "The Zen of Cotton Management" or "Ambiguous Society" or "Economic Purgury the Crimes of Illusion" or "How to Not to Make Money on Ebay" or "I'm Big in Panties"...but I digress, writing is but one of the projects I need to accomplish in my new cave.
Making Photo-Frescos of the photo-archive that I have accumulated would also serve a purpose for this den, travel images, street photography and even some friggin' sunsets need to be archived in plaster for others to see. I love this technique I've developed for putting photos back into the interpretive mix and re-newing them within plaster. I'll link to some of the images so that you can see what I'm talking about later.
Organizing my product line and updating my website to properly represent the items that I feel are fun and profit-making so that I can sell a few things to keep the lights on. Most importantly I have recently found available inventories on Organic Cotton t-shirts in colors which I will offer through T-shirts.org, as well as, I've re-formulated my T-shirt Design Interface at PlutoNeverForget.com
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