Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blog Consolidation - Where's the Blog?

I am torn between many products that overlap in one way and that is that I am the person working on them. The problem is that I have experimented with many different softwares, like, wordpress, simple engines bulletin board/message board and various shopping cart environments that each require login and maintenance. It's killing me when I combine that with my web development, SEO responsibilities and basic t-shirt design needs, not to mention the burden of email management and automatic form responses via 3rd party vendors and inquiries. It's not worth hiring people to manage these departments, but it's not worth giving them up either. I need a super blog, a management system that allows me to consolidate my blogging and keep all of these areas updated with new material.

For now I am going to make a Super Blog using WordPress as the ubiquitous tool for composing all of my information, then republishing each page as a static web page. I liked the idea of calling it Where's The Blog? and using that as a lead in on all of my websites, like and, but using one software to create the pages as a master control program. Once I start this there will be no turning back. I have also used Cerebus as an email software manager, but that hasn't really worked either, but the general idea is good.

Ok, Blogspot kinda answers the blog-consolidation problem shown above with the Dashboard, but I am not happy with the look of the webpages that are created under the blogspot headings. I suppose I could research the skins available and formating potential for blogspot and work on that before I go start something new. I mean I am here already.

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