I posted a bunch of designs on my websites at tortureseries.com and yque.com. Luckily I had some screens prepped and as a few orders came in I was able to ship the first expedited order today so that one person in the country, Minnesota somewhere, will be able to wear a Torture Series shirt during the game. The extras and samples are going to be distributed through my kids. I still want to go into the city and pass out free t-shirts, but I know I just won't have the time to do my work and have that kind of random fun. I'm just glad to have gotten a few orders to make me have to shoot the screens and get into production. Luckily I also had some extra Orange shirts in stock.
To expand on the concept I wanted to make a Giants candle and a Shrine with these other printing techniques. I also have to delay those concepts in favor of using the same artwork that I did for screen to make photo fresco prints to display on the Truck Gallery in Sausalito where many people catch the ferry to games in the City. I spent part of the evening mixing a batch of colors that I can use to fill in the framed print with an emphasis on Orange and glow in the dark. The black is made with atomized steel pigment which should show as rust if I choose not to coat the final product. I'll link to these later as I get them mounted on my truck before gametime.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
It's done, the Giants have won and now the real torture begins

The final pitch with two runners on and the Phillies sent Howard in who hasn't had a hit in the series? WTF? It worked out for the Giants as Wilson struck out Howard to seal the deal. Now the Torture series can continue. This designs seems appropriate as the number of pitchers did not guarantee that Wilson was going to be the pitcher at the end of this.
Don't Torture Me I'm Local SF Giants T-shirt World Series
Crap, I lost my last post. No reason, just the season. No time to fix, but basically the shirts are practically designing themselves, starting with "Don't Torture Me I'm Local", check out the other Giants Tortue T-shirts here: TortureSeries.com. Only 3 more hours to game time and I even posted a free t-shirt, you pay the shipping, for good luck. b out
It's on! Top of the 6th Inning and tied 2-2, not without drama.
Here is the latest t-shirt design, launched on CafePress at: http://www.cafepress.com/tortureseries Fear the Beer'd, which makes fun of the Fear the Beard t-shirt that has become popular as a slogan for the closers. This game already has the bullpen in control of the Giant's pitching effort.Friday, October 22, 2010
A Day Off from Baseball - But Never a Day off for T-shirts - Torture Series 2010

I've been listening to the SF Giants trials and tribulations the final part of the season and now through the playoffs. It's been a trip, literally, and torture has been the word most commonly used to describe the experience for fans who want the team to go all the way. Each game has had ups and downs that make the game theatrical to say the least. Now I am focusing in on a t-shirt to commemorate the World Series that will be coming to San Francisco as they win the National League Championship by renaming the games to the "Torture Series" shirt shown above. I'll be posting this design on various shopping carts and websites over the next few days, as well as, offereing them for Free as long as you pay the shipping via USPS in order to use up a bunch of shirts I have in the warehouse. Check it out as I develop of list of Torture slogans to go on the back of the shirt too.
Here is the CafePress version of the "Torture Series" t-shirt.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Greenspan Bernanke Wrong
Admitting your wrong when you break something or do something stupid is one thing, but being wrong in a significant way on the economy is quite another. Alan Greenspan admitted some errors when testifying to Congress about some aspect of his policies on deregulation. Here is a shirt to commemorate this statement.
Friday, October 1, 2010
T-shirt Printing added to every product on my website - New Format

I am testing a new format for adding t-shirt printing online to a shirt order. Over the years I have developed a published custom t-shirt printing price list based on Levels 0-10 with each level representing a different quantity of shirts for the total order. In this way I can give discounts for bulk t-shirt purchases and since everyone is used to Levels from video games it seems like an intuitive way to show potential customers the discounts they get on custom printing as they order more shirts. Typically I use a price grid table format, but this is confusing for many customers. I have now found another way to add printing to the bottom of every item on the website by formatting a list of the levels and posting them under every t-shirt on the site that is printable.
Link here to the T-shirt Printing Pricelist Guide.
This is annoying to look at first because it looks like a long list of similar items, but I hope that it will draw each customer that is interested in printing to look below their items and check for the cost of printing without having to call. I can build discount pricing into the shirts themselves with a pricing formula without having to send the customer to a different page for ordering the printing. Now it is time to test this procedure so I can get back to printing tee shirts instead of designing web pages.
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